The skin is a wondrous organ that acts as the body’s protective and detoxification mechanism and is also known as the body’s 3rd kidney! So, how long does it take for skin to regenerate and what can you do to help it in the healing and regeneration process?
The skin fully regenerates within 28 days, leaving traces of our DNA signatures all over our environments as we rebuild and regenerate – like snakes shedding their skin.
And if this is so, how can our skin issues still linger month after month? Essentially, the problematic state of the skin reflects the acidic terrain (in the intra-cellular fluid) and the poor lymphatic (the body’s waste system) condition of our bodies!
If the skin is opening up and expelling pus in the form of acne, eczema, and psoriasis, it means that the sewage system of the body is backed up, and the elimination organs – particularly the kidneys – are not functioning properly to deal with the amount of acidic waste produced by the body.
Skin issues then tell us a couple of important things:
That our elimination organs are weak either genetically, through diet/lifestyle or both
That there is an overload of toxic waste to deal with and expel and that the skin is working hard to meet those demands
And/or that the skin is genetically weak or has been weakened through diet/lifestyle and needs to regenerate
In a sense, a weak skin membrane is not able to eliminate waste properly through the pores and its respiratory abilities are not very strong, which results in the “buildup” of toxic residue in the form of acne, cysts, and dermatitis.
Therefore, no matter the genetic condition of the skin, by helping it function more effectively through a healthy lifestyle and diet, you will actively promote skin regeneration from the inside out – leading to a glowing, healthy, youthful you!
Does Your Skin Regenerate?
Of course it does! The human biological body is always in a state of growth, degeneration, and regeneration throughout life. As long as there is energy coursing through the biological cells and tissues, the body’s intelligence follows the innate cycles of the laws of nature (which mimic the seasons) and works to bring homeostasis – or balanced wellness – to all its mechanisms.
In fact, on average, between 30,000 and 40,000 skin cells slough off every hour, and within a day, the body sheds approximately a million skin cells. If you find dust in your home, chances are that it is composed mostly of your dead skin cells!
Likewise, since our bodies are influenced by the energies of seasons, the skin peels more rapidly, hair sheds in greater amounts, and fingernails grow more rapidly during certain seasons, especially in the summer.
And, if you’re still not convinced that your skin has the immense power of regeneration, simply imagine what happens when you get a deep cut. Your body goes into repair mode. In time, your cut develops mild to severe scar tissue as the body’s immune system and repair mechanism rush to the epidermis to seal the body’s protection boundary so that invaders would be kept at bay.
A research article published by the National Institutes of Health describes the physiological scar healing and tissue regeneration as the following:
The human body always reacts to an injury, activating the wound-healing process and scar formation. Scars are efficient neo-formation tissues, however, they do not reproduce characteristics and functions of physiological tissue that they replace. Any damage in humans is repaired by a neo-formation that replaces the missing tissue with an extracellular matrix, consisting mainly of fibronectin and collagen types I and III, and there are some skin components that will not recover after a serious injury, such as subepidermal appendages, hair follicles or glands. The scar tissue matrix, represented by granulation tissue, is the final product and it is characterized by a high density of fibroblasts, granulocytes, macrophages, capillaries and collagen fibers.
The skin, like the whole body, is intelligent and self-healing. It breathes, detoxifies, protects, and senses. And when you notice problematic changes to the skin, it is an external signal that something is internally off-balance and needs attention.
How Long Does It Take For Your Skin To Regenerate?
Although the skin regenerates every 28 days, aging makes the process more sluggish and requires more assistance to do its job properly.
Even by engaging in self-care early on in life in terms of consuming an alkaline diet and skin exfoliation, massage, and natural moisturizing, you will accelerate the production of collagen and the regeneration of cells that will enable you to age gracefully.
And as we age, detoxification and a healthy, raw diet are of utmost priority to help the body hydrate, assimilate nutrients, circulate blood and waste and promote healthy glandular and organ function.
Signs of skin aging can be noticed in hyperpigmentation, easily inflamed or irritated skin, static wrinkles, lack of skin firmness, sagging, and drooping. But even though collagen levels drop significantly after age 50, a healthy lifestyle and an alkaline diet can keep you looking young well into your older years!
It is our acidic bodily terrain and degeneration of the human body through the accumulation of acidic waste and inflammation over time that leads to the slow decay of the body.
To keep the body hydrated and alkaline (a precondition for healthy skin), a raw and organic diet is essential! I’ve seen its incredible benefits in my own father’s wellness journey and the ways it promotes youthfulness and vitality into old age.
The Best Tips to Help Your Skin Regenerate Naturally
Remember, the modern lifestyle and conventional diets and products are highly acidifying to the bodily terrain, whereas to keep the body healthy and young, the body requires the opposite chemistry – alkalinity. Whereas acids dehydrate, degenerate, and corrode, alkaline chemistry hydrates, nourishes, and heals.
The highest source of alkaline chemistry is found in organic fruits and herbs, and my suggestion for slowing the aging process is to eat only fruits for breakfast (they clean and hydrate) and ensure that 50% of your daily diet consists of raw organic whole foods.
In addition to a healthy diet, body movement and exercise are essential for skin health. For instance, the lymphatic system, or the body’s sewage system, does not have a natural pump and must be moved through physical activity to be flushed out through the eliminating organs, including the skin.
This is exactly why light exercise that promotes circulation, sweating, and energy flow is an absolute must for skin detoxification and optimal health!
When it comes to modern exercise, we have taken activity to an extreme level that is based on our cultural infatuation with competition and athletics. However, extreme exercise is not always optimal for our health, as it places stress on the body and increases cellular activity and respiration, whose waste the body now must eliminate.
Thankfully, breathing and sweating help with much of this process, but acidic waste is still created, and depending on the state of our lymphatic system and kidneys, it may accumulate in our tissues and cause greater acidosis. Therefore, movement and light exercise is highly preferable.
Here are some of my tips on how to help the skin and body regenerate:
Eat your foods fresh, ripe, raw, and unprocessed, as all other animals do
Rest and get plenty of sunshine
Only use natural and chemical-free personal and cleaning products
Moisturize the skin with healthy and organic oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, and sesame oil; I also highly recommend shea and cocoa butter for skin protection and regeneration
Move your body lightly and adopt Yoga and Qi Gong to oxygenate, energize, and promote movement of the lymphatic system
Clean your body out of all toxins, including chemicals, heavy metals, antibiotics, excessive hormones, excessive proteins, unnecessary mucus, destructive parasites, pesticides, and more
Fast to free the body of energetic depletion through digestion and use the energy towards healing and regeneration
Conquer and minimize stress through movement, relaxation, breath, and meditation
For skin health and improved lymphatic movement, commit to dry skin brushing once a day
Skin Health = Inner Body Health
If you read this article thinking you would only learn about how long does it take for skin to regenerate, I truly hope you learned so much more in terms of natural ways to keep your skin healthy!
Wellness is our natural state of being, and the skin is the most apparent reflection of how we can apply its laws (the cosmic law as expressed as the law of nature) to our lives. The principles of wellness are general but our own experiences in this world are personal.
This is exactly why we can use the laws of nature as a guide to help us reframe our own unique experiences in this life and generate customized solutions that work for our body, environment, mind, and spirit.
And, if you'd like to start healing your body naturally, my healing reset bundle will help guide you every step of the way!